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Everything you need to know about Adhesive Bra!

What is adhesive? Adhesive is a jelly, glue like substance that is extremely tacky, found inside your nipple covers, stick on bras, or backless, strapless bras. Your reusable adhesive bra...

What is adhesive?

Adhesive is a jelly, glue like substance that is extremely tacky, found inside your nipple covers, stick on bras, or backless, strapless bras. Your reusable adhesive bra works by adhering and suctioning onto dry surfaces like your skin. The adhesive is made from a skin-friendly hypoallergenic biological glue or medical grade silicone glue.

It is very easy to get dust, fluff or clothing particles stuck to your adhesive surface, which will weaken its strength. It must be handled very carefully and needs to be taken care of in order to get the maximum use out of it.

Oils, moisturizers or perfumes will destroy its tacky grip, cannot be washed off and will prevent your glue working for future use. It is important to prep your skin before using your adhesive bra ensuring you are washing the area with soap and water before attempting to apply.

What about water?

Here's the thing, Water will not hurt your adhesive, it instead acts as a repellent that stops your glue from being active. It is important to understand that if you are perspiring, extremely sweaty or have any sort of moisture on your body, your adhesive bra will not allow you to stick them on, and your glue must be completely dry before attempting to wear your cups.

When you have your adhesive bra on, it creates a seal around the glue and your skin not allowing anything to get in and your stick on bra should not be affected by sweat or moisture.

Attempting to readjust your adhesive bra when you are sweaty, will break the seal, moisture will get in, and your stick on bra will not glue back on.

How does my skin affect my adhesive bra?

We all shed tiny dead skin particles daily and some more than others. As everyone is different, if you feel your adhesive loose it’s strength, you need to exfoliate your skin and should wash your adhesive bra to revive your glue. When you keep pulling your adhesive bra on and off, it is collecting tiny dead skin particles that weaken its strength. You should try eliminating the need for readjusting your bra. For our Bzez adhesive breast cups we recommend putting your outfit on first and then adjusting your cups underneath, that way you have a better knowledge of where they should be placed.

Your body secretes natural oils that help protect your skin. These oils will break down the strength of your glue over time, not allowing your adhesive bra to stick, which is why it is super important to always prep your skin before using your adhesive bra, ensuring that your skin is super clean and dry.

What about the weather?

Summer- You have already learnt about moisture and your cups – Dry your skin with a towel, fan or Hairdryer on a cool setting to help regulate your body temperature before applying your adhesive products.

Winter – Can make your adhesive bra cold and harder to grip on at first. Your adhesive needs a little warmth from your body to activate its strength. When you find the right placement, hold your adhesive bra down until you can feel the warmth from your skin activating your glue.

Making your stick on bra sticky again?

It’s important to wash your adhesive after use if you want to preserve the strength of your glue. You can’t just throw your adhesive bra off just like a regular bra and expect them to be alright. Your adhesive is dirty and the longer your stick on bra sits with grime on the glue, the harder it will be to clean it off.

Make it a habit to quickly wash your stick on bra as soon as you get home and allow to air-dry. This will ensure your adhesive bra is clean, dry and ready for it’s next use and will preserve the longevity of your glue.

Your adhesive bra should come with a protective film that protects your glue from drying out and also protects your adhesive from dust and other floating particles attaching to it. Always keep your protective film on your adhesive when they are not in use and store them safely.

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